Remember that Eggs are porous - very porous. Eggs have a natural covering called the "Bloom" from the chicken. However that doesnt help when they're covered with undesirable matter. You need something to neutralize the bacteria and clean them without the eggs absorbing dangerous and harmful bacteria. I can show you what and how to clean them using NATURAL products that do an Awesome job!Read more: How to Easily Clean and Disinfect Fresh Eggs |
Things You'll Need:
- A Bowl for your eggs
- Vinegar - Any will do but I use distilled White.
- Warm water
- Mineral Oil (food grade) - not sun tanning oil with any additives.
- Paper Towels and egg containers.
- 1Vinegar and Salt - Cleaners and Disinfectants Extraordinaire!Eggs are VERY porous so you must take care not to soak them in cold water or the air pocket inside the egg will draw in bacteria from the water and materials on the outside. Use only "WARM" water to clean the eggs as this will keep the egg from pulling in bacteria.
- 2Eggs soaking in warm Vinegar & Salt waterPlace your eggs in the bowl. Add approximately 1/2 cup of the Vinegar and 1/8 cup of salt. Cover the eggs with warm water and allow to sit for approximately 15 minutes. Do not allow the water to become cool or cold.
- 3Hand Cleaning EggsAfter your eggs have soaked in the solution get warm water running again. Carefully hold the eggs back with your hand and empty the solution out while refilling with warm water (rinsing out the bowl). You can take the eggs now and start using your fingers to wipe off any excess materials left stuck on them.
- 4Clean EggsClean Eggs! Now that your eggs are cleaned and disinfected they are almost ready. If your eggs still have some discoloration or stains you can again make a Vinegar and Salt warm water bath. Another few minutes and the discoloration and stains will come right off (99% of the time).
- 5Wiping an Egg with a light coating of Mineral OilAfter you have cleaned the eggs to your satisfaction with the Vinegar and Salt solution you will want to dry them off with a towel or paper towel. Once dried you now need to help the eggs stay fresh. By cleaning them you have removed the "Bloom" along with the other materials. Normally the Bloom keeps bacteria and air from getting into the egg. This is a mucous like substance the chicken excretes over the egg. You can use Food grade Mineral Oil (normally used as laxative) applied with a paper towel. Coat the egg with a light coating (wipe off excess) of Mineral Oil.
- 6Done!Now you are done! Your eggs are Clean, sanitized with natural disinfectants, Vinegar and Salt. Almost nothing can survive living in that solution. In addition it whitens eggs naturally by slightly dissolving the calcium on the outer shell
Diringkaskan cerita: telor dibersihkan dan di nyah kuman dengan cara merendam didalam larutan 4:1 campuran cuka & garam yang panas suam selama 15 minit. Kemudian dibilas dengan air suam(misalnya guna water heater untuk shower) yang mengalir. Dan akhirnya dilap kering menggunakan tisu.
Pembekal Kayu Bakau:
Pembekal Atap Lalang:
Pembekal Atap Nipah:
Pakej Katering/Kanopi/Perkahwinan ala Kampung:
Ini jawapan dan penerangan dari saiful CITYPULL.
Untuk memberi komen kepada saudara kita dari anggerik farm, teman lebih suka berpegang kepada kepahaman teman sebelum ini mengenai aktiviti pembersihan telur sebelum dimasukkan kedalam incubator. Seperti yang semua orang tahu, telur mempunyai satu lapisan mambran diluarnya yang menyerupai lilin. Lilin ini dihasilkan secara semulajadi oleh ibu ayam untuk melindungi telur tersebut. sekirnaya ada berlaku geseran atau satu torehan, telur tersebut akan terdedah kepada jangkitan penyalit kerana lapisan lilin tersebut telah terdedah.
Untuk memberi komen kepada saudara kita dari anggerik farm, teman lebih suka berpegang kepada kepahaman teman sebelum ini mengenai aktiviti pembersihan telur sebelum dimasukkan kedalam incubator. Seperti yang semua orang tahu, telur mempunyai satu lapisan mambran diluarnya yang menyerupai lilin. Lilin ini dihasilkan secara semulajadi oleh ibu ayam untuk melindungi telur tersebut. sekirnaya ada berlaku geseran atau satu torehan, telur tersebut akan terdedah kepada jangkitan penyalit kerana lapisan lilin tersebut telah terdedah.
satu lagi maklumat penting, telur ayam sebenarnya bernasf atau dengan kata lain telur tersebut mempunyai liang2 udara yang membenarkan udara menembusi kulit telur. Kita akan dapati saiz atau ruangan poket udara dibahagain tumpul telur ayam akan membesar atau lebih luas dalam peringkat pembesaran embrio telur tersebut, Ini adalah buktinya yang sebenarnya telur ayam boleh ber"nafas".
Apa yang menjadi masalahnya sekarang adalah, ruang udara ini cukup luas untuk membenarkan molekul2 air melepasi kulit telur sehingga memasuki telur tersebut. apabila ada pencemaran dari air tersebut, biasanya tindak balas akan berlaku dan telur akan menjadi busuk atau dalam bahasa kita dah menjadi tembelang. Mungkin ada yang berpendapat mereka berjaya menetaskan telur yang telah dibasuh sebelum ini dengan jayanya. soalan yang ingin teman nyatakan adalah berapa peratus telur yang dibasuh tersebut menetas dari keseluruhan telur yg dibasuh?. Teman pernah melakukan beberapa ujikaji mengenai aktiviti pembasuhan telur sebelum ini. Dan result dari percubaan tersebut biasanya negetif dan menghampakan.
Kalau kita perhatikan vedio dari sumber internet terutama dari Youtube, kita akan dapati proses pembersihan iaitu pembasuhan telur ada dilakukan. Telur segar yang baru datang dari ladang akan dibersihan dengan satu sistem khas yang ada beberapa syaratnya. Pertama telur dibasuh dengan air bersuhu tepat 37.5 sepanjang masa. Telur disembur dengan air bersuhu ini selama beberapa saat dengan pancuran halus. Satu tindakan membersihankan telur secara fizikal dijalankan semasa telur disembur air. Kemudian telur tersebut dikeringkan dengan teknik hembusan angin yang juga bersuhu 37.5 darjah. Syarat yang paling ketat adalah kesemua proses ini dijalankan dibawah kurang dari 30 saat sahaja.
Telur ini perlu dibersihan kerana selalunya telur baru datang dari ladang berada dalam keadaan kotor. Kalau dipikirkan, mengapa semua proses tersebut dijalankan dalam suhu terkawal dan prosesnya sangat cepat. Mungkin kerana kita tak mahu telur tersebut terdedah lama sangat terhadap air dan mengelakkan air sempat masuk kedalam telur. So kalau kita mahu membasuhnya juga, mungkin kita perlu melakukan perkara yang sama dengan memastikan semua syarat yg diperlukan dipatuhi.
Telur yang telah terdedah atau telah dimasuki air biasanya mempunyai peratusan penetasa yag sangat rendah. Didalam pusat penetasan, biasanya incubator yang digunakan akan disanitasi dahulu sebelum telur dimasukan. Dan seterusnya selepas telur dimasukkan kedalam incubator, satu proses sanitasi menggunakan bahan kimia beruap akan dilakukan. Ini bagi memastikan telur yang dimasukkan benar2 bersih dari jangkitan bekteria. Sistem yang digunakan adalah denagn tidak sesekali membuka incubator tersebut sehingga ke saaat telur itu menetas. Ini bagi meminimakan kebarangkalian telur tersebut tergangu atau terdedah semasa pengeram. Oleh itu proses candling tidak akan dilakukan. Cuma candling akan dibuat semasa memasukkan telur tersebut ke setter iaitu masa menunggu telur tersebut menetas. Yang mana gagal, akan dibuang terlebih dahulu.
Namun untuk kita, pengguna incubator kecil buatan tangan ini, candling perlu dilakukan bagi memaksimakan ruang yang digunakan disamping mengurangkan kehampaan bila kita mendapati jumlah telur yang tak menetas tinggi nanti. Kalau yang menggunakan teknologi komputer di pusat penetasan pun hanya mempu untuk mendapat peratusan 70% menetas, inikan pula kita yang menggunakan incubatror budget murah lagi kurang teknologi.. Untuk komen dari saudara Angerik, proses tersebut mungkin boleh digunakan sekiranya kita hendak menjual atau menyimpan telur yang dikeluarkan. Untuk proses pengeraman teman rase dah tak sesuai.. apa2 pun mungkin anda boleh mencubanya dahulu dan mempercayai apa yang teman fikirkan.. sekian.
Ini pula artikel sumbangan Pak Teh.
gg disinfecting
Hygiene of the eggs starts with clean nests and frequent egg collection. It is not recommended that dirty eggs be washed because if preventive measures are not taken, they can become more contaminated than they originally were. This is because if the water temperature is lower than that of the egg, as the egg cools due to the cooler washwater, a suction occurs and the washwater is pulled into the eggs through the pores in the shell carrying dirt from the washwater and micro-organisms from the faeces on the egg surface. It is better that any dirt adhering to the shell surface is carefully removed by using a dry soft brush.
The purpose of disinfecting the eggs is to kill any micro-organisms that exist on the surface of the shell. The most popular method is to fumigate the eggs with formaldehyde. This is a gas with a wide anti-microbial action that is effective for bacteria, fungi and even some viruses. The fumigation is performed in sealed chambers where eggs are exposed on trays. The formaldehyde gas is produced by mixing formalin (a 30 percent solution of formaldehyde) with potassium permanganate. This is done in a rust-proof container (enamelware is often recommended) with a capacity 5-10 times larger than the volume of formalin being used because when the chemicals react, a foam is produced and the volume increases. A good mixture for disinfecting eggs is 40 ml of formalin and 20 g of potassium permanganate per cubic meter of the fumigation chamber for a half an hour. Care must be taken to avoid inhaling the formaldehyde gas because it is a strong irritant. The disinfecting should be done twice: once at the breeder facilities and again just before the eggs are put into the incubators.
Spray Application: Solutions containing disinfectants can be sprayed onto clean eggs during collection. Any disinfectant registered for use on hatching eggs can be used. Check with local suppliers for registered materials and use them at recommended levels.
UV Light: Eggs can be sanitized with UV light. Commercial sanitizing equipment utilizing UV light is available for commercial producers.
Wet cleaning is more complicated. The basic issue is that dirty eggs are covered with bacteria, which have trouble getting through the shell so long as it's dry. As soon as the shell is wet, they pass through the shell more easily. Also, if you cool the egg, the contents shrink a little, causing a partial vacuum inside that tends to suck foreign matter into the egg.
Disinfectants and Detergents for Egg Washing
Several disinfectants are safe for hatching-egg disinfection. Chlorine-based disinfectants have been most widely used to wash table eggs and have proved safe for hatching-egg sanitation. University of California research has shown quaternary ammonium to be an excellent sanitizer for hatching eggs. The advantages of quaternary ammonium are that it:- Is safe for hatching eggs at levels up to 10,000 ppm.
- Leaves residual protection on eggs.
- Is safe for equipment and personnel.
- Is reasonable in cost.
- Is compatible with antibiotic dipping of eggs since it is safe to use as a disinfectant in dipping solutions.
Egg Washing
Some producers prefer to wash hatching eggs because residual disinfectant material remains on the eggs, which protects against recontamination.Egg washing effectively sanitizes hatching eggs if proper equipment is available to do the job correctly. However, washing can cause contamination of eggs if the water temperature drops below recommended levels or if contamination exceeds the capacity of the disinfectant in a reservoir-type or immersion washer. Wash water must always be hotter than the eggs (recommended range, 110oF to 120oF). The washing solution must contain a detergent-sanitizer. A washer that does not recirculate water is recommended. If an immersion or reservoir-type washer is used, the water must be changed frequently; do not wash more than 200 eggs per gallon of solution capacity. Immersion time should not exceed 3 minutes, and eggs should be thoroughly dry before they are put in cases.
UV Light: Eggs can be sanitized with UV light. Commercial sanitizing equipment utilizing UV light is available for commercial producers.
Disinfectants and Detergents for Egg Washing
Several disinfectants are safe for hatching-egg disinfection. Chlorine-based disinfectants have been most widely used to wash table eggs and have proved safe for hatching-egg sanitation. University of California research has shown quaternary ammonium to be an excellent sanitizer for hatching eggs. The advantages of quaternary ammonium are that it:- Is safe for hatching eggs at levels up to 10,000 ppm.
- Leaves residual protection on eggs.
- Is safe for equipment and personnel.
- Is reasonable in cost.
- Is compatible with antibiotic dipping of eggs since it is safe to use as a disinfectant in dipping solutions.
Directions for preparing quaternary ammonium solutions
Prepare the following stock solution:- 10 percent quaternary ammonium disinfectant (alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride);
- 0.4 percent EDTA (disodium salt) (15 grams/gallon); plus
- 4.2 percent sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) 160 grams/gallon).
- For egg washing, use 1 ounce stock solution in 3 gallons water.
- For equipment, use 2 ounces stock solution in 3 gallons water.
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